Using System Options for administrative utilities

Click Source graphics OEM \ Carrier and select System Options for the following tasks. On the:

  • My Settings tab, change the Installer's:
    • Password
    • Starting view and page
    • Preferences to automatically collapse trees, automatically download schedules on each change, and alarm notification
  • Operators tab, set up:
    • Login names and passwords
    • Logoff rules
    • Starting locations
    • Levels of access (roles)
  • General tab
    • View system statistics - number of devices in the system, number of trends, estimated time for importing or exporting system clipping.
    • Download weekly logs
    • Access the Management Tool
    • Set system date, time, timezone, and time/date format
    • Enable time synchronization schedule
    • Enable Alarm Notification Client
    • Import/export Source Files, which include control programs, drivers, BACview® files, and graphics
    • Enable or disable full source download to Open PIC controllers and select to include or not include graphics in download
    • Import/export clipping files
  • Security tab - Set advanced password and operator control
  • Update tab
    • Install .update files
    • Update SAL libraries
    • View current Help updates and current libraries
  • Daylight Saving tab - update scheduled DST dates
  • Add-ons tab - Install add-ons such as Tenant Override Billing or Weather (i-Vu Open Plus application only)


  • Some operators will not see all of the System Options tabs, depending on their assigned roles.
  • See the i-Vu® Help for more details on the System Options tabs.

Click for details below

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My Settings tab

To change your settings:

  1. Click Source graphics OEM \ Carrier, then select System Options > My Settings tab.
  2. See table below for explanation of settings.
  3. Click Accept or Apply.
  4. Changes become effective when operator logs in again.




Enable this field, then type your current and new password and confirm. Limit is minimum of 8 and maximum 40 characters of any type.

Starting Location and Starting Page

The i-Vu® location and page that will display after you log in. Select the User or Installer tree, if you have Installer role.

Automatically collapse trees

Expands only one tree branch at a time.

Automatically download schedules on each change

Select to automatically download all new schedules that you create and schedules that you change

Play sound at browser when server receives

The system audibly notifies you when one of the selected alarms is received.

Check Non-critical alarms or Critical alarms if you want the system to audibly notify you when that type of alarm is received.

NOTE An operator with the Guest role cannot edit any settings on this page.

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Operators tab

Select the necessary settings and assign Roles (access rights) to set up operators.


  • Optimal number of simultaneous users:
    • 2 in the i-Vu® Standard application
    • 10 in the i-Vu® Plus application
  • We highly recommended that only 1 user at a time commission the system.

To add or edit operators, passwords, and roles

  1. Click Source graphics OEM \ Carrier, then select System Options.
  2. Select Operators tab.
  3. Click Add to enter a new operator, or, select an operator to edit his settings.
  4. Enter information as needed. The required fields are Name, Login Name, and Roles. See table below.
  5. Click Accept or Apply.




Login Name

Must be unique within the system.

Force user to change password at login

Forces the operator to change his password immediately after his next login.

NOTE  You can combine the use of this field and the Change Password field to create a temporary password that the operator must change after his next login.

Starting Location

Set the starting location for each individual operator by choosing the specific area or controller in the navigation tree and the starting page from the drop-down menu.


See table below.

This privilege...

allows an operator to...


  • Add, edit, and delete operators, operator groups, and privilege sets.
  • Update the i-Vu® system with service packs and patches.
  • Register the i-Vu® software.
  • Enable and set up the advanced password policy.
  • Add and remove i-Vu® add-ons.

Access privileges

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Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

The following can be accessed but not edited...

User tree


Control program tables and Properties pages


Scheduling Groups pages in the User view navigation tree



System Options Items






Logic Pages

Functional privileges

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Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

The following allows an operator to...



Manage Alarm Messages and Actions - add, edit, and delete alarm messages and actions.




Maintain System Parameters - edit all properties on the System Options pages.


Maintain Schedules - add, edit, delete, and download schedules.


Maintain Schedule Group Members - add, edit, and delete schedule groups.



Maintain Categories - add, edit, and delete categories.



Acknowledge Non-Critical Alarms - acknowledge all non-critical alarms.



Acknowledge Critical Alarms - acknowledge all critical alarms.



Force Normal Non-Critical Alarms - force non-critical alarms to return to normal.



Force Normal Critical Alarms - force critical alarms to return to normal.



Delete Non-Critical Alarms - delete non-critical alarms.



Delete Critical Alarms - delete critical alarms.




Execute Audit Log Report - run the Location Audit Log and System Audit Log reports.




Download Controllers - mark equipment for download and initiate a download.




System Shutdown - issue the Shutdown manual command that shuts down i-Vu® Server.





Access Commissioning Tools:

  • Equipment Checkout
  • Airflow Configuration
  • Trend, Report, and Graphic categories that require this privilege
  • Discovery tool (i-Vu® Plus only)



Maintain Graphs and Reports - add, edit, and delete trend graphs and reports.




Remote Data Access-SOAP - retrieve i-Vu® data through an Enterprise Data Exchange (SOAP) application. (i-Vu® Plus only)




Manual Commands/Console Operations - access the manual command dialog box and issue basic manual commands.





Manual Commands/File IO - execute manual commands that access the server's file system.





Manual Commands/Adv Network - execute manual commands that directly access network communications.


Change My Settings - edit preferences on operator's My Settings page.

Parameter privileges

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Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

Source graphics OEM \ Carrier

The following allows an operator to edit properties such as...


Setpoint Parameters - occupied and unoccupied heating and cooling setpoints




Setpoint Tuning Parameters - demand level setpoint offsets, color band offsets, heating and cooling capacities and design temperatures, color hysteresis, and learning adaptive optimal start capacity adjustment values



Tuning Parameters - gains, limits, trip points, hysteresis, color bandwidths, design temperatures, and optimal start/stop.



Manual Override Parameters - locks on input, output, and network point.



Point Setup Parameters - point number, type, range, and network source and destination



Restricted Parameters - properties the installer restricted with this privilege



Category Assignments - Alarm, Graphic, Trend, and Report category assignments



History Value Reset - elapsed active time and history resets, and runtime hours



Trend Parameters - enable trend logging, log intervals, and log start/stop time.



Calibration Parameters - point calibration offsets



Hardware Controller Parameters - module driver properties






Critical Configuration - critical properties the installer protected with this privilege



Area Name - area display names



Control Program Name - equipment display names



Alarm Configuration - enabling/disabling alarms and editing alarm messages, actions, categories, and templates



Status Display Tables - tables available under Status



Maintenance Tables - tables available under Maintenance



User Config Tables - tables available under User Config





Service Config Tables - tables available under Service Config


Setpoint Tables - tables available under Setpoint


Time Schedule data Tables - tables available under Time Schedule

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General tab

  1. Click Source graphics OEM \ Carrier, then select System Options > General tab.
  2. Enter information on this page as needed.
  3. Click OK or Apply.

You can edit or use the following fields and buttons.



System Statistics

  • Numbers of controllers allowed and present in system
  • Number of trend sources and samples in the database
  • Estimated time to import/export clipping


For troubleshooting, download a zip file that contains a log of system activity. Logs are available for a maximum of 4 weeks.

Management Tool

Select Management Tool button to access the following:

  • Download weekly system logs
  • View or change system name and IP addresses
  • Port Configuration
  • Backup and Restore, Compress Trend Storage
  • Reset to Factory Defaults
  • Upgrade System Version
  • Reboot
  • NTP Configuration


Time Format

  • 12-hour clock (Example: 4:34 pm)
  • 24-hour clock (Example: 16:34)
  • Daylight Saving Time is automatically controlled. To update Daylight Saving begin and end dates, go to System Options > Daylight Saving.
  • Enable time synchonization of controllers daily at - Automatically synchronizes the time on all equipment to the time on the i-Vu® web server, adjusting for different time zones and Daylight Saving Time. We recommend that you enable this field.


    • To prevent time sync problems when the transition to and from Daylight Saving Time occurs, set the time sync to occur at least 1 hour after the last controller in the system is adjusted for DST. For example, your i-Vu® and part of your system is in the Eastern Standard Time zone, but you also have controllers in the Pacific Time zone. Your server is adjusted for DST at 2:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, but the controllers in the Pacific Time zone are not adjusted until 3 hours later. So you would set the time sync to occur daily at 6:00 a.m. or later.
    • Make sure that your i-Vu®’s time and time zone setting are correct.
  • Time Sync – Sends a time broadcast to synchronize all controllers in the system with the i-Vu® web server's time.


Select the checkbox to enable Alarm Notification functionality. See Alarm Popup alarm action.


NOTE Configurable for i-Vu® Plus only. i-Vu® Standard is 7 days.

Import/Export Source Files

Use to import or export source files in a .zip file that can be imported or exported to/from another i-Vu® or Field Assistant system. Source files include:

  • Control programs (.equipment files only)
  • Drivers
  • Graphics (.view files only)
  • Touchscreen files
  • BACview® files
  • Report design files for Equipment Values or Trend Sample reports

NOTE If import detects a difference between a database file and an import file with the same name, import does not overwrite the database file. A message lists any file differences so that you can resolve them.

See Commissioning equipment using Field Assistant.


You can increase download speed by checking Optimize download for Open PIC controllers. The full source files are not downloaded into the PIC controllers when this is checked.

You can increase download speed by unchecking Include graphics in Open programmable controller download. If you are not changing the graphics, you may not want to include them in every download in order to save time.


  • Navigation tree items including attached control programs, graphics, drivers, and screen files
  • Trend datal
  • Reports
  • Alarm categories
  • Schedules and schedule group membership (including the entire schedule group and schedules, if it does not exist in the target system)
  • Alarm actions

NOTE A clipping containing CCN controllers does not include the CCN tables. When importing a clipping containing CCN devices, you must re-scan the table.

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Management Tool

You can access Management Tool by either:

  • Clicking Source graphics OEM \ Carrier and selecting System Options > General tab > Management Tool button
  • Launching your browser and typing your system name followed by :8080. For ex.: http://ivu:8080/

NOTE The Management Tool is password-protected and can only be accessed by a user with Installer role.

System Status


i-Vu is running at:

This is used to troubleshoot server or LAN communications.

Click the Stop Server button to stop the i-Vu® web server. When stopped, the button changes to Start Server. Do NOT close the Management Tool before restarting the server. Click to restart.

Weekly system logs:

  • System - used for troubleshooting (same as logs available from System Options > General tab). Logs are available for a maximum of 4 weeks.
  • Kernel - operating system logs


Source graphics CAUTION If you change the name or the IP address of your system, record the numbers in a secure place.

  • Name - Controls the name used to access your system from the Internet. Do not use special characters or spaces.
  • Obtain an IP address automatically - Uncheck this to manually assign addresses for the following:
    • i-Vu Address
    • Subnet Mask
    • Default Gateway
    • DNS Address - IP address of the Domain Name Server
    • Domain - Host name of the domain (i.e.
    • USB Network Type - Read-only field shows either CCN or BACnet types.
    • USB Network Address - IP address of the internal BACnet router or the internal CCN Gateway

i-Vu Port Configuration

Changing these values forces a web server restart.

Default values: HTTP: 80 HTTPS: 443

Operation Status

Message showing progress of background operations, such as backup and restore.

Manage Server Data

  • PC Backup - Saves the entire database zipped into one file to your computer.
  • PC Restore - Replaces the current server data with a backup from your computer.
  • USB Backup - Saves the entire database zipped into one file onto a USB inserted into the i-Vu® web server.
  • USB Restore - Replaces the current server data with a backup from your USB inserted into the i-Vu® web server.
  • Compress System - Creates more storage space for trend data.
  • Factory Defaults - Deletes all server data and resets the device to the original factory default values.

    NOTE Executing this option does not delete configuration data under the Addressing and i-Vu Port Configuration sections of the Management Tool.

Machine Maintenance

  • Management Version - Apply .update file from here.
  • Reboot - System restart

Configuring NTP

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a networking protocol for clock synchronization. You can designate an NTP source that sends the correct time to the i-Vu® web server, ensuring constant accurate time. You can enter 2 static addresses (DNS name or IP) of NTP servers or use the default addresses provided by the i-Vu® application. If you do not enable NTP, the i-Vu® system clock must be monitored and updated regularly in the System Options menu > General tab.

You can configure DHCP servers to supply IP addresses of NTP servers to the i-Vu® web server. If you have checked Obtain an IP address automatically and Enable Time Synchronization, the i-Vu® web server tries to obtain an NTP server address from the DHCP server on site. If it cannot find one, the i-Vu® web server uses the User Assigned NTP addresses, if any, in the User Assigned fields.

Source graphics CAUTION Contact your Network Administrator for guidance in entering these settings.

You can access NTP from a local server, a remote server, or a website. To set up NTP:

  1. Verify that Enable time synchronization from an NTP server is checked.
  2. System Assigned NTP Server Address - To use this read-only field, make sure you have checked Obtain an IP address automatically to allow your system to search for an address for the NTP server and display a primary and alternate address.
  3. User Assigned NTP Server Address - You can use the default website addresses if your system allows it. Firewalls may prevent successful access to the default websites. Your Network Administrator can provide alternate addresses for a local server, a remote server, or a website.

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Security tab

To adjust security settings,

  1. Click Source graphics OEM \ Carrier, then select System Options > Security tab.
  2. Enter information as needed. See table below.
  3. Click OK or Apply.



Return operators to previous locations when server reconnects.

Returns operators to current navigation tree locations when the server reconnects.


Log off operators after _:_ (HH:MM) of inactivity

The system automatically logs off an operator who has had no activity in the system for the time period specified.

This is a default setting for the system. The Installer or Administrator can change this setting for an individual operator on the Operators tab.

Lock out operators after __ minutes after __ failed login attempts

Set the time that a user will be locked out of the system after the failed number of login attempts has been reached.

NOTE  Restarting the i-Vu® application removes lockouts.

Clear Lockouts

Remove lockouts for all users.

Use advanced password policy

You can place specific requirements on passwords to increase security. See Advanced password policy.




When control programs, views, touchscreen, and BACview® files are created by an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), they cannot be used in the i-Vu® system without the creator's permission. However, the creator can produce a key for a system with a different license that will grant permission to the key's recipient.

If you receive a key, put it in a convenient location on your computer. To activate a key, click Add, then browse to the key.

To delete a key from your system, select the key in the table, then click Delete.

Red text in the table indicates the key has a problem such as it does not apply or has expired. See the Notes column for an explanation.

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Advanced password policy

You can set up a i-Vu® password policy to meet your security needs.

  1. On the System Options tree, select the Security tab.
  2. Enter information in the fields described below.



Use advanced password policy

Enable this field to put restrictions on passwords.

An operator’s login name and password must be different when this policy is enabled.

After you change the password policy, any operator whose password doesn't meet the new requirements will not be locked out of the system, but will be prompted to create a new password.

Passwords must contain

You can specify how many characters and which of the following types of characters a password must contain:

  • Numbers
  • Special characters—any keyboard character that is not a number or letter.
  • Letters—uppercase, lowercase, or both.

Cannot be changed more than once every __ days.

Enter a number to limit how often users can change their passwords. When set to 0, users can change them as often as they want.

May not be reused until __ different passwords are used.

Enter a number between 1 and 20. Enter 0 to reuse passwords without a delay.

Expire after __ days

Enable to set the number of days an operator can use his password before the system requires him to change it. Enter a number between 1 and 999.

Force expiration

Click this button to force every user's password to expire. Each user will be prompted to change their password when they next attempt to log in to the i-Vu® interface.

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Update tab

Select the Update tab to install .update files (patches, service packs, drivers, language packs, graphics libraries, and help updates).

Click Source graphics OEM \ Carrier\iVu Open next to Applied Updates and Current Libraries to view all currently applied updates and .SAL files currently and verify if the i-Vu® application has the latest updates or library files.

i-Vu® Library

The i-Vu® application is equipped with a complete library. There are occasionally library (.sal file) updates, which contain the following files:

  • graphic (.view)
  • control program (.equipment)
  • driver (.driver)
  • BACview (.bacview)
  • Touchscreen (.touch)


  • Get the latest updates from your Carrier representative.
  • The library update only changes default graphics. If you have edited your graphic in ViewBuilder, it is not updated.
  • Keep copies of the latest libraries in a safe place. In the event of a system restore, any updated .sal files must be reapplied.
  • The last digits in the sal library name are the release date of the library.

Step 1: Update library

  1. Save the updated library (.sal file) to your computer.
  2. Click Source graphics OEM \ Carrier, then select System Options > Update tab.

    NOTE Expand Current Libraries (.sal) to see the current SAL libraries and their revision. Compare them to what you downloaded from the Carrier support website to determine if any of them have been updated.

  3. Click Source graphics OEM \ Carrier\iVu Open and browse to the updated .sal file that you have saved on your computer, select the file, and click Open.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. When process is complete, the message appears File added successfully.
  6. Click Close.

NOTE These changes are not applied to the controllers until you have updated routers and controllers.

Follow these steps to implement the new equipment library:

Step 2: Update the files for the routers

  1. Select the router that you wish to update in the navigation tree.
  2. Right-click and select Driver Properties.
  3. Select Properties page > Update tab.
  4. If the database contains 2 or more routers, you must check Change for all control programs of this type in the Controller section.
  5. Click Update. A message appears Changes the driver and screen file to use the current library version. Continue?

    NOTE If more than one router exists, the additional routers are listed below the Update button.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Accept.

Step 3: Update the files for Open controllers

  1. Double-click the controller in the navigation tree or right-click and select Configure .
  2. If you have multiple controllers of the same type, enable Change for all control programs of this type?.
  3. Click Update under Controller. A message appears Changes the control program, view, driver and screen file to use the current library version. Continue?
  4. Click OK. When the message Updated to the library version xx. appears, click Close.
  5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 for any additional types of controllers.
  6. Click Close again.

Step 4: Update the files for CCN controllers

  1. In the navigation tree, select the CCN device manager associated with the controllers that are to be updated.
  2. Select Devices > CCN Discovery tab and re-scan any controllers that need to be updated.
  3. Select the i-Vu® and in the list.
  4. Check Rescan Controllers Selected Below for Configuration Changes and click Start Scan.

Step 5: Apply the update to the routers and controllers

  1. Select the site level in the navigation tree and then select the Downloads page.
  2. If you wish to apply the new SAL file to your entire system, you can use this page to compare to your navigation tree and verify that you have selected all of your routers and controllers for download.

    NOTE Only the CCN Gateway and device managers require download, so the CCN controllers/equipment will not be listed.

  3. A network's controllers download in the order shown. To change the order, select a controller(s), then drag and drop or click Move to Top or Move to Bottom.
    EXCEPTION  If a controller's router requires a download, it will download first regardless of its position on the Download page.Click the Start button.


    • Use Ctrl+click, Shift+click, or the Select All checkbox to select multiple controllers.
    • Up to 5 routers can download simultaneously.
  4. See To download from the Downloads page in Help for more details.

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Daylight Saving tab

On this tab, you can adjust the Daylight Saving Time settings.

Click Update to automatically set the table's Begin and End dates for the next 10 years based on the system's timezone. This marks all controllers for a Parameters download.

If the updated dates are incorrect

If you clicked Update but the dates are incorrect, your system's Java timezone data may be out-of-date. Do the following:

  1. Go to the Oracle Java SE Download site.
  2. Download the JDK DST Timezone Update Tool (
  3. In the i-Vu® interface, click Source graphics OEM \ Carrier, then select System Options > Daylight Saving and then click Import.
  4. Browse to the file, select it, then click Open.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Restart the i-Vu® application.
  7. On the System Options > Daylight Saving tab, click Update.

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Add-ons tab

This feature is available only in the i-Vu® Plus application.

The Add-ons tab allows you to use plug-ins that integrate with your system, such as Tenant Override Billing or the Weather.

To install an add-on

  1. Save the add-on's file (.addon or .war) to your computer.
  2. Click Source graphics OEM \ Carrier, then select System Options > Add-ons tab, and browse to the file.
  3. Click Install Add-on. After a few seconds, the add-on will appear in the Installed table, and will be enabled. The table below gives a description of each column.




    The add-on's name.


    To open the add-on in a web browser, append this path to your i-Vu® system's address.

    For example, to start Tenant Billing, type http://<system_name>/override, or http://<system_IP_address>/override


    The version is shown if the author provided the information in the add-on.


    If this column shows:

    • Running, you can open the add-on in a web browser.
    • Disabled, click Enable to run the add-on.
    • Startup error, select the table row to see an explanation of the error under Details.


  4. Select an add-on in the Installed table to disable or enable it, or to see the following Details.

    main page

    Click the main page link to open the add-on, if the author provided a main page.


    A description of the add-on, if the author provided one

    Vendor Name

    The add-on's author

    Public Data Directory

    This public directory contains data generated by the add-on. This data is visible in a web browser.

    Private Data Directory

    This private directory contains information such as configuration data.


To back up the add-on's private and public data directories

NOTE  This procedure will not back up data stored in an external database.

  1. Select the add-on in the table.
  2. Click Save Data.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Select the location where you want to save the data, then click Save.

To update an add-on

NOTE  Add-ons for i-Vu® v6.0 and later systems have a different folder structure than previous versions.

  1. Select the add-on in the table.
  2. Click Remove Add-on and Keep Data
  3. Follow the procedure above to install the new version of the add-on.

To uninstall an add-on

  1. Select the add-on in the table.
  2. Click Remove Add-on and Data.