Downloading to controllers
If you make any of the following changes, you must download the new data from the i-Vu® application to the affected controllers.
In the i-Vu® interface
- Change or reload a control program
- Change or reload a driver
- Change a schedule
NOTE A schedule change automatically downloads unless you uncheck Automatically Download Schedules on each change on the My Settings page. - Change a screen file
The i-Vu® application automatically marks the affected controllers as requiring a download. You can download these controllers from the Properties page for the controller, the equipment, or a microblock.
When the i-Vu® application marks a controller for download, it determines what information needs to be downloaded based on the type of information that changed. See Download Options.
By default, Full Source files are downloaded to Open PIC controllers because Optimize download for Open PIC controllers is unchecked in the System Options (or System Settings) > General tab > Download section. If you have multiple sites, you can adjust this for each site individually. Check this option if you do not want Full Source downloaded.
CAUTION If you want this option checked and purposely had it checked in your previous system, it is automatically unchecked after upgrading and you must check it again.
- A property change in the i-Vu® interface is automatically downloaded to the controller. If the download fails, the controller is added to the Downloads page with the reason for the failure.
- To see who downloaded a controller last, go to the navigation tree, select the controller, then do one of the following:
- Select Properties > Control Program > and click the underlined Controller: name (Controller 1, Controller 2...) at the top left. This opens the Controller Information page, where you click the Module Status button.
- Select Reports > Network > Controller Status and then click Run.
- Right-click the controller in the tree and select Module Status.
Download Options
When the i-Vu® application marks a controller for download, it determines what information needs to be downloaded based on the type of information that changed. Below are the options that can be downloaded.
This option...
All Content
• Only the executable portion of the driver and control programs • The names of all .equipment, .touch, .bacview, and .driver source files • The names of any .view files that are marked to be included in a download • Parameters • Schedules
NOTE An All Content download also: • Synchronizes the controller's time to the i-Vu® web server. • Overwrites trends in the controller. • Restarts the controller.
Only Schedules
All schedules that are not set for automatic download
Only Parameters
All editable properties
Only BBMDs
BBMD tables (.bdt file) that you have updated but have not yet written to the controller
- An All Content download clears trend, history, and alarm data from the affected controllers. At the beginning of the download process, trends that have the Trend Historian enabled are saved to the system database.
- If Field Assistant will be used with your system, you can choose to have the All Content option download the full source files instead of only their names. See Commissioning equipment using Field Assistant.
To download from the Downloads page
The Downloads page shows any controllers that the i-Vu® application marked for download. But if needed, you can add other controllers to the list.
To download:
- On the navigation tree, select an item to download controllers at and below that item.
- Click Downloads.
- Click
to the left of a Location to see controllers that require a download. - Optional: To add controllers to the list:
- Click Add.
- Select the controller(s).
NOTE Use Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select multiple controllers. - Select a Download Option.
- Click Add, then click Close.
- Select the controllers that you want to download.
- Use Ctrl+click, Shift+click, or the Select All checkbox to select multiple controllers.
- A network's controllers download in the order shown. To change the order, select a controller(s), then drag and drop or click Move to Top or Move to Bottom.
EXCEPTION If a controller's router requires a download, it will download first regardless of its position on the Download page.
- Click Start.
- Click Hold to stop pending
downloads. Active downloads cannot be stopped. - Up to 5 routers can download simultaneously.
- A controller is removed from the list when its download is complete.
- Icons in the Tasks column indicate the following:

Active—The i-Vu® application is downloading to the controller.

Pending—You initiated the download, and the controller is waiting for its turn to download.

Failed—The download failed. See If a controller fails to download.

On Hold—Indicates either of the following:
• The controller requires a download • You clicked Hold to stop a pending download.
- Click
in the upper left-hand corner to view a log of download activity in the current session. Copy to Clipboard lets you copy the text to paste it into another application. - To remove an item from the download list, right-click the item, then select Remove selected tasks.
To download from a Properties page
If a controller requires a download, a red download message and a Download button appear at the top of the Properties page for the controller, the equipment, or a microblock. Click the button to start the download.
Downloading from the Properties page downloads All Content to the controller.
If a controller fails to download
A controller that fails to download appears on the Downloads page with this icon .
- Review the reason for the failure:
- Hold your cursor over the failed task to see hover text giving the reason.
- Click
in the upper left-hand corner of the page to see information on all failed downloads. Copy to Clipboard lets you copy the text to paste it into another application.
- Correct the problem that caused the failure.
- Select the controller on the Downloads page, then click Start.