At the Westside Campus, middle school and high school students in grades 6-12 join the first part of the worship service on Sunday mornings with their parents, then break out for classes during the message. Students should use the family entrance and check-in to their class before going to the worship service.

Bible Bowl

6th-12th grade students from ACC’s Northside and Westside campuses compose the ACC Bible Bowl Team. Bible Bowl is a quick recall program where students compete over their knowledge of a selected scripture text. Bible Bowl helps immerse students in God’s Word and develop lifelong followers of Jesus. Click here to watch a demo video.

The team practices weekly and travels to monthly competitions, known as ‘Round Robins,’ all while making great friends and studying God’s Word. There are 2 seasons each year: September-November, and March-May; the team also travels to the national tournament in June.

For more information about Bible Bowl, visit

For questions or more information about the ACC Bible Bowl Team, please contact Coach Brad

ACC Northside will be hosting the monthly Round Robin competition this spring,
