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Men’s Bible Study
Men, join us in the Westside Campus library as we study God’s Word together.
Ladies Bible Study
The WSC Women’s Bible study group resumes February 4. We will study “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah” by Rabbi Jason Sobel. We are sorry but childcare is not available at this time.
Men’s Bible Study
Men, join us in the Westside Campus library as we study God’s Word together.
Ladies Bible Study
The WSC Women’s Bible study group resumes February 4. We will study “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah” by Rabbi Jason Sobel. We are sorry but childcare is not available at this time.
Men’s Bible Study
Men, join us in the Westside Campus library as we study God’s Word together.
Monthly Prayer Gathering
Join us for this corporate time of prayer to cover our ministry, outreach events, and church family.
Ladies Bible Study
The WSC Women’s Bible study group resumes February 4. We will study “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah” by Rabbi Jason Sobel. We are sorry but childcare is not available at this time.
Men’s Bible Study
Men, join us in the Westside Campus library as we study God’s Word together.
Ladies Bible Study
The WSC Women’s Bible study group resumes February 4. We will study “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah” by Rabbi Jason Sobel. We are sorry but childcare is not available at this time.
Men’s Bible Study
Men, join us in the Westside Campus library as we study God’s Word together.