Women’s Fall Retreat

Women’s Fall Retreat

We are so thrilled, psyched, jazzed, privileged, and happy to have Kathy Koch, PhD as speaker for Fall Retreat!      

Sept 13-15 will be an unforgettable time at Quaker Ridge Camp. Kathy is an amazing woman with an incredible mind. With a passion for building strong and healthy families, her humorous and easy speaking style, foundational wisdom, and practical and relevant details leave her audiences empowered with strategies to navigate  the challenges of raising and teaching children. Never shying away from tough topics in our current culture, her messages are always beautifully woven with Biblical truth and hope.

Kathy’s current project is on godly grandparenting so we will have a special Saturday breakout session for our grandmas. 

Dr. Kathy is a wildly popular speaker. She has a unique gift of  engaging, entertaining, and teaching audiences of all ages. She founded Celebrate Kids, Inc., in 1991 and co-founded Ignite the Family in 2018.