Women's Ministry
Women’s Brunch
Join us for our next Women’s Brunch on Saturday, April 12th, 9-11 AM with an inspiring testimony from Vera Brooks. We will have unhurried time around the tables to share with each other. Come, be filled and encouraged that you are “Worthy Indeed”.
Registration opens March 9th. Cost is $10.
Welcoming Party
ILadies, if you are new to ACC in the last few months, our Women’s Ministry cordially invites you to our Welcoming Party! Meet others who are also new to our church. Join us 11a-1p Sat, April 26 for an open house hosted by Donise Newkirk. Register on-line for directions
Bunco de Mayo
Happy Bunco de Mayo! Come celebrate Cinco de Mayo with us and meet other women while playing Bunco!
Registration opens April 6th. Cost is $10.
Day After Jesus Writer’s Workshop
Feast with Kristi McClelland
Jesus often taught through stories, and many times He taught as people gathered around a table or meal.
While we can’t go back to sit at that table, there is a table we are invited to. Join Kristi McLelland at Feast—an event where we gather to feast upon God’s Word. This is an experience to taste and see the goodness of God that has nourished souls for generations.
Canvas and Coffeecake
Even if you’re a Picasso-not-so-much, the happy little accidents you paint with the guided instruction will leave you with a greater appreciation for the artistry of our Creator as we celebrate His handiwork.
All supplies are provided, and you get to take home your masterpiece. Cost is $20.
Mothers, bring your children, 10 or older, for an additional $10 each.
Women’s Brunch
Join us on Saturday, September 13th, 9-11 AM for our third Women’s Brunch this year. We will have unhurried time around the tables to share with each other. Come, be filled and encouraged that you are “Worthy Indeed”. Cost is $10.
Welcoming Party
If you are new to ACC in the last few months, out Women’s Ministry is inviting you to come meet others who are also new to our church. Join us open-house style! Saturday, September 27 from 11 -1PM at Donise Newkirk’s home.
Women’s Fall Retreat
Join us for our Women’s Ministry Fall Retreat!
We are having the retreat at Spring Canyon Camp in Buena Vista, CO this year. It will be an unforgettable time with great teaching, humorous skits, moving worship and community with other women!
Cost is $250 this year. Contact Kathleen (kathleen@academychristian.org) for scholarships.
Registration opens August 8th.
Bunco Cornucopia
Count your buncos, name them one by one.
Count your many buncos, see what God has done!
There are countless good reasons to come and bring a friend to Bunco-Cornucopia – lots of laughs, good fun, sweet pie, and selected readings from God’s Green Liniment by author Lois Rew. Suggested donation of a $20 gift card (grocery, bookstore, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby) for the…
Women’s Christmas Jubilee
Women, don’t miss our Christmas Jubilee Saturday, December 6th. This upbeat, beautiful, and tasty event is a wonderful event to invite neighbors and friends. Cost is only $10 per person! Get tickets at academychristian.org/myacc starting on November 9th.