Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

“So we make it our aim to please him…”

2 Corinthians 5:9a

Men’s Ministry Leader: Dave Erickson 719-599-0476


Join us for Good Food, Good Lesson, and a Good Connect!
The men of ACC meet for breakfast once a month from September through May. The 2023-2024 theme is “Men on Mission!” and the theme verse is 2 Corinthians 5:9a “So we make it our aim to please him…”

Men on Mission!
The Christian man in not on an aimless journey. On the contrary. Men of Faith live intentional lives with meaning, direction, calling and purpose. The Apostle Paul simplifies the intent in 2 Cor. 5:9a “So we make it our aim to please Him…”
This season, ACC Men’s ministry will seek to point men toward mission. Men’s breakfasts will include speakers guiding us through tough places like Forgiveness, Perseverance, Work and Career, Pride distortion, the Father wound, Health and fitness, and Anger. To remain on mission a man of God works through the difficult space with grace, learning and growth. Join us this season and become that guy…A Man on Mission!

Our next Men's Breakfasts series begins in September 2024.  See you there!


We have several Life Groups just for men that meet throughout the week:

Erickson Group: Thursdays @ 6:00 am
Thiessen Group: Mondays @ 6:30 am
Hoffmann Group: Saturdays @ 6:30 am

Please click here for the most up to date listing of all of our Men’s Connect Groups and to connect with the leader.


If you’re in the Colorado Springs area and would like to keep up to date on what’s happening in our Men’s Ministry, please sign up for our email list.

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