Yvette Boska

Yvette Boska

Yvette grew up here in Colorado Springs and has attended church since before she can remember.  At the age of 16, she began serving in the Elementary Ministry of her local church.  In 1995, Yvette began working at Compassion International, where she served in the Information Technology department. While working at Compassion, Yvette earned a Bachelors of Science degree in Information Technology.  After 22 years, she was called out of that ministry – she believes God has given her unique talents and skills in working with the Elementary-age children and was most recently employed as a substitute teacher with a local school district.   Yvette and her husband, John, have been members of Academy Christian Church since 2007, where she has served in Children’s Ministry since 2011.  Yvette has three children, Ashli, Logan, and Kevin, and one grandchild.  Three fun facts about Yvette are: 1. She loves Christmas Markets; 2. She loves ballroom dancing with her husband; and 3. She loves to eat tacos.

Young Child Director
Holly Seay